The Daily What


pictures of animals with smiles and calm eyes who look kind and caring thumbnail includes two pictures including a smiling kind cat and another of a smiling alpaca

Collection Of Gentle And Understanding Animals

For anyone who needs some kindness and reassurance
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weeks best and cutest wholesome animal memes - thumbnail includes two images, one of patrick stewart holding a puppy and one of grumpy cat leaving next to his owner who just had brain surgery | if having bad day here's Patrick Stewart holding puppy WAG MORE RARK LES STARS RESCUE | My cat doesn't like cuddle, and he's grouchy. But my daughter came home week after brain surgery he slept on her pillow three days.

Good Vibes Only: Wholesome Animal Memes (November 23rd, 2020)

For a wholesome week
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memes tweets and pictures of funny dogs who are also good dogs thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog sticking its nose through a Japanese door 'Nose - Staying at a house in Japan when suddenly' and another of a dog with a shaming sign on it 'Dog - I MADE MY DAD JUMP WHEN 1 FARTED WHILE HE WAS WATCHING A HORROR FILM!'

Fourteen Funny Dogs That Are Good Boys

the bestest funniest doggos
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at medley filled with cuteness, laughs, rescues, glow ups, and wholesome cat pics - Thumbnail of a before and after rescue of a cat "We found her outside our house three years ago. Now she is an important part of our life"

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues And Glow Ups

Cats, cats, cats
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funny and cute poorly drawn cat drawings - thumbnail of cat shaped like a square and a drawing of a square with a mouth

Artist Creates Memorable 'Poorly Drawn Cats' (Tweets)

So good
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this week's best and most popular animal tweets thumbnail includes one tweet 'Text - Thoughts of Dog® @dog_feelings i do not "shed." i sprinkle my glitter 2:18 AM - Nov 17, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 9.1K Retweets 1.2K Quote Tweets 128.4K Likes'

Weekly Treat: Animal Tweets (November 23rd, 2020)

Animal twitter does it again!
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wholesome uplifting heartwarming memes and comics webcomics to cheer you up and put you in a good mood aww soft feels good inspirational | 1990 Our Grandpa taking us ice cream My Мy Cousin My Brother Sister ONewDadNotes 30 years later Cousin Мy Brother My Sister Our Grandpa still taking us ice cream mutant ninja turtles

Wholesome Memes And Comics That'll Give You The Warm Fuzzies

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pics and vids of the cutest animals of the week -  thumbnail of cat and ferret "I work at an animal shelter that typically only accepts dogs and cats. Today someone brought us a ferret, he was scared and lonely so this happened..."

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute (#109)

So. Much. Cute.
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new dog ratings from rate my dog for their 5 year anniversary - thumbnail of dog who ate a bee and is at the vet "This is Sonja. In her defense, nobody explicitly told her bees aren’t snacks. 13/10 would boop but gently"

Celebrating 'We Rate Dogs' 5th Birthday On Twitter With New Dog Ratings

Happy Birthday to the best Twitter account
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uplifting heartwarming inspirational pics and memes that will make you smile reasons to smile faith in humanity restored | Having gay son is like getting frenchfry onion rings didn't ask but hey like these too 16 Being straight and Getting hit on by gay guy is like receiving lot money but wrong currency. Like wow this is useless RN but if ever cross border l'm gonna be one lucky guy.

38 Good Posts That'll Give You A Reason To Smile

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most viral and adorable cat videos trending on instagram - thumbnail includes two images one of a lost cat "at 1 am i got a notification from my camera and this was my cat's reaction to me opening the door" and a cat by the beach "my cats first time seeing the ocean"

Instagram Cats: Funniest, Cutest And All-Around Best Of The Week (Videos)

Best of the best
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A quick Tumblr post on kids' various learning struggles | fozmeadows Watching my toddler figure out language is fascinating. Yesterday were stumped he kept insisting there Lego winner" behind his bookshelf turned out be little Lego trophy cup. Not knowing word trophy he'd extrapolated word thing can win And then, just now, he held up his empty milk container and said Mummy s not rubbish s allowed be bottle meaning, effectively want this. Don't throw away But an adult ear, there's something

Quick Tumblr Post On Kids' Language Struggles

A for effort.
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eye bleach nice things to look at cute baby animals cats and dogs adorable kittens and puppies small smol cow bunny to cleanse your soul remedy cure | petting a tiny stray kitten in the street

Cute Eye Bleach To Cleanse Your Eyes And Raise Your Spirit

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wholesome memes, feel good, funny memes, memes, facebook, aww, twitter, happy memes, good samaritan, love, family, animals | Men Toxic Masculinity Really? Tears NewDadNotes Wholesome Masculinity They're HEALTHY him. Guardians of the Galaxy | Are you Ben? He's my best friend He always comes watch match. Always, always.

Heartwarming Memes & People Being Just Plain Good

Wholesome Alert!
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wholesome uplifting heartwarming memes and comics webcomics to cheer you up and put you in a good mood aww soft feels good inspirational | YouTube Videos watching braid hair just case my Daughter ever asks do NewDadNotes today my Daughter asked braid her hair. baby playing chess against computer

Wholesome Memes And Comics To Melt Your Cold, Black Heart

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Girls come across unparalleled joy when they're navigating a pumpkin patch | libraford While out on my adventures other day stopped at farmers market get some their exceptional peach cider and group four college age girls all got out an SUV, dressed somewhat identically (white face mask, gray or white top, dark bottoms, uggs) and headed up barn. One them shouted 'PUMPKIN' and pointed one 90lb pumpkins they had out front and all them ran see up close, taking turns with their phones get selfie

Tumblr Thread: Girls Discover Unequaled Joy At Pumpkin Patch

That pumpkin spice can get the people going.
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